FeedbackPlease see the links below for details of how best to get help, feedback defect reports or request new features. Your feedback is very valuable, but please bear in mind that Lima-Loa is an Open Source software project developed in spare time on a volunteer basis. HelpIf you are a developer struggling to use Lima-Loa, please double check the project documentation. If this doesn't help, then click here to access the project's help forum. Defect ReportsIf you discover any defects, please double check the project documentation to check that what you are trying to do is supported and production ready. If you are happy this is the case, then please include as much detail as possible in the bug report, such as JDK version, classpath settings, source code and full stack traces. To access the project bug tracker, click here. Code patches that resolve the defect will be considered if submitted along with JUnit test cases (if relevant and feasible). Feature RequestsFeature requests will help the author prioritise future development plans. To access the project feature request tracker, click here. |